
Rise Above Fear: Find Strength in the Spiritual Realm

Some individuals derive a sense of significance and even monetary gain from making others afraid. I’ve been contacted by individuals who are overwhelmed by fear – fear of the unknown, particular individuals, hexes, being followed, and other anxieties. This message is intended for all of you.

Don’t let fear rule your life.

Those who make threats and boast rely on you cursing yourself and feeding your fears. They merely plant a tiny seed, and it’s your fear that allows it to grow.

The most important thing you can do is to not take threats too seriously. Don’t let your imagination run wild, and don’t believe these people have power over you unless you give it to them. You have the strength to say “No” and walk away. You have the strength to stand up and find people who care about you. You have the strength to seek protection from your ancestors.

Don’t let fear paralyze you, don’t let it consume you from the inside out. It’s not the person making the threat who is harming you, it’s your own fear. Don’t let a threat or a fear become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Laugh, find small joys in everyday life, and seek out places where you feel safe and secure.

Don’t believe those who wish you harm. They have no power over you unless you give it to them. If I don’t approve your post, it’s only because I don’t want this group to be used to instill more fear in you. But I hear you, and I’m thinking of you.

Transform Your Fear

Fear often arises from the way we talk to ourselves internally. Something happens on the outsite which scares you and then your inner dialogue starts. What could it be? What does that person want? Do they want to harm me? Do they want something bad for me? Some kind of darker magic works also on trying to install negative beliefs in your mind, like telling you, that you are not strong enough or that you cannot win.

NLP, or Neuro-Linguistic Programming, offers effective techniques to change this inner dialogue and turn fear into something empowering.

Listen Closely to Yourself

Pay attention not only to what you say to yourself but also how you say it internally. These subtle distinctions in your auditory perception are called “submodalities.”

The next time you catch yourself criticizing yourself, listen carefully:

  • How do you talk to yourself? What thoughts race through your mind?
  • What is the tone of your inner voice? Is it loud or soft?
  • What words do you use, and where do you place the emphasis?
  • How would you describe your internal communication?

Exercise: Think of a situation where you were angry with yourself.

  • What thoughts came to mind?
  • How did you talk to yourself in that situation?

Change Your Inner Dialogue

Once you’ve analyzed your internal dialogue in a specific situation, you can change it by adjusting the submodalities.

  • For example, give that voice that might have just yelled at you a very gentle voice, or turn it down until you can’t hear it anymore or it simply stops.
  • How does your perception change when there is silence in your head? How much more present are you with others?

Be creative! Maybe you want to give what’s being said a Mickey Mouse voice. Or talk to yourself in a quacking duck voice whenever you’re angry. Just try out what works best for you. At some point, you’ll probably start laughing.

Remember: You have the power to control your fear. Don’t let it control you.

I am thinking of running some kind of workshop around the topic of self-protection in the spiritual realm using NLP. If you are interested in that, just ping me a message or sign-up for our newsletter below.

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