Shamanism Training Online



Are you ready to tap into shamanic knowledge, heal deeply, and unlock your true potential? This transformative shamanism training will guide you on a journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and spiritual awakening.

Join One Shamanism’s ‘The Elements of Shamanism’ training series and learn key shamanic practices online. Experience shamanic journeying, connect with spirit animals, and master effective and powerful healing techniques. Whether you aspire to become a shamanic practitioner or simply seek personal growth and enrichment, this comprehensive course provides practical, compassionate guidance every step of the way.



Join our empowering shamanism training series, “The Elements of Shamanism,” to learn universal (or near universal) shamanic practices through the lens of the elements: Water, Earth, Fire, and Wind. This course is perfect for anyone who wants to become a shamanic practitioner and make his first steps or improve their own life. Through the online classes, you will learn important core shamanic skills like shamanic journeying, connecting with spirit animals, and your ancestors.


“The Elements of Shamanism” is a path of transformation, inviting you to embrace your personal power with the help of shamanic traditions.


Through our shamanic training, you’ll embark on a journey of profound self-discovery that will deeply transform your life, opening you up to new possibilities and empowering you to live a more authentic, fulfilling life.

One Shamanism

Master Shamanic Journeying

Discover the shamanic art of journeying, a profound practice that connects you with the spirit world and your spirit guides. Seek answers to life’s questions, and receive guidance on your path of healing and growth.

One Shamanism

Explore the realm of Spirit Animals

Have you ever felt a deep connection with a particular animal? Learn to recognize and understand the spirit animals that guide and protect you. Through exploring their symbolism and messages, you can gain valuable insights into your strengths, challenges, and life’s purpose, empowering you to live a more authentic and fulfilling life.

One Shamanism

How can the Elements transform your life?

Delve into the profound wisdom of the elements – Earth, Air, Fire, and Water – and discover how they can guide and empower your life. Through hands-on experiences and practical exercises, you’ll learn to integrate shamanic practices into your daily routine, cultivating balance, harmony, and personal growth.

One Shamanism

Experience Shamanic Meditation

The courses include powerful meditations, designed to connect you with different spirit guides. These meditations facilitate your deep, personal transformation, allowing you to embody the teachings. Learn how to create sacred spaces and develop a deep sense of inner peace and spiritual harmony.

One Shamanism

Learn Shamanic Divination

Learn how to find answers to important questions and overcome challenges using shamanic techniques, like oracles and runes. The shamanic workshops teach simple divination practices, letting you connect with spirits to gain insights. You’ll explore practical methods to address both everyday and urgent questions for yourself and others.

One Shamanism

Integrate Practical Shamanic Wisdom

Our comprehensive workbook, filled with insightful exercises and practical tools, empowers you to apply the teachings of shamanism to your daily life. Discover rituals, ceremonies, energy healing techniques, and more, as you deepen your connection with nature, your spirit guides, and the unseen world. Transform your life through the practical application of ancient wisdom.

One Shamanism

Cultivate Emotional Well-Being

Experience greater joy, balance, and emotional resilience as you learn to connect with the wisdom of the spirits. Our shamanic training will guide you in practicing self-care, setting healthy boundaries, and navigating life’s challenges with grace and inner strength.

One Shamanism

Deepen your Spiritual Connection

Strengthen your bond with the natural and spiritual worlds. Each spirit guide and element deepens your spiritual power, leading to a richer, more abundant life.

One Shamanism

Learn Powerful Shamanic Healing Techniques

Gain stability, adaptability, and visionary insight. Learn powerful universal shamanic healing techniques for personal and collective transformation, promoting well-being and spiritual growth.


The Elements of Shamanism – A 5 Part Series” is an immersive journey that will take you deep into the heart of universal shamanic wisdom, while guiding you through each elemental realm and empowering you to awaken your unique spiritual gifts.

  • Every module consists of 2 seminar days.
  • The training time is 10am-12:30am GMT+1.
  • You do not need any prerequisites to start.


Part 1: Spirit: Introduction to Shamanism & Basic Workshop


In this Basic Workshop, you will learn about the core ancient practice of shamanism. You’ll discover how to do shamanic journeying, guided by the rhythmic heartbeat of the drum. This course will provide a strong foundation for building trust in yourself and your future work as a shaman.

You will also learn how to create sacred spaces and understand the ethics of shamanism. By connecting with power animals and spirit guides, you will gain support and wisdom to help you face life’s challenges.

Join us to start your journey into the world of shamanism and connect with the spiritual allies that can guide and support you. Ready to take the first step? Start your transformation today.

  • 2 seminar days
  • Live online shamanism workshop via Zoom
  • Video recordings available right after class
  • Seminar times from 10am-12:30pm GMT+1
  • Live Q&A
  • Extensive course workbooks
  • Small group workshops
  • No prerequisites required

Part 2: Water 💧

Shamanism Apprenticeship

Water is the source of all life. In this workshop, you will connect with and strengthen your relationship with the element of water, tapping into its emotional wisdom and power of forgiveness.

Guided by the wisdom of Turtle and Dolphin, you’ll embark on a profound journey of healing and cleansing on the soul level.

Learn how to balance your chakras and enhance the energy flow in your body. Experience the powerful practice of extraction to remove negative energies and restore harmony.

Join us to explore the transformative power of water. Dive into the depths of healing.

  • 2 seminar days
  • Live online shamanism workshop via Zoom
  • Video recordings available right after class
  • Seminar times from 10am-12:30pm GMT+1
  • Live Q&A
  • Extensive course workbooks
  • Small group workshops
  • Introduction as prerequisite required

Part 3: Earth 🍃

Shamanism Course

Dive into the mysteries of the Lower World and connect with powerful animal guides like the Bear and Wolf.

Discover the wisdom of plant and stone allies, and learn to work with the spirits of the land.

Strengthen your bond with the Earth element and gain deeper insights into its grounding and nurturing energies.

Join us to explore the Lower World and build strong connections with the natural world and its spiritual inhabitants.

  • 2 seminar days
  • Live online shamanism workshop via Zoom
  • Video recordings available right after class
  • Seminar times from 10am-12:30pm GMT+1
  • Live Q&A
  • Extensive course workbooks
  • Small group workshops
  • Introduction as prerequisite required

Part 4: Fire 🔥

Shamanism Training

Join us for a powerful shamanic fire ceremony and ignite the flames of transformation in your life.

This Fire Ceremony helps us remember our ancestral past, honoring the sacred fires that burned on our lands for generations.

Heal the collective and ancestral past by harnessing the fiery energy of the Phoenix and Fire Dragon. Transmute obstacles and embrace your true power through their guidance.

Experience the profound healing and transformative power of fire, and step into your true potential.

  • 2 seminar days
  • Live online shamanism workshop via Zoom
  • Video recordings available right after class
  • Seminar times from 10am-12:30pm GMT+1
  • Live Q&A
  • Extensive course workbooks
  • Small group workshops
  • Introduction as prerequisite required

Part 5: Wind 🌬️

Learn Shamanism

Embrace the elemental power of the wind in this transformative workshop.

Experience an initiation that will take you on a journey to the Upper World, where you will connect with your Upper World Guide.

Discover how to choose your destiny and manifest your goals with the wisdom and guidance you receive.

Connect with the soaring spirit of the Eagle, gaining insights and clarity to navigate your life’s path.

Soar to new heights with the wind. Manifest your dreams.

  • 2 seminar days
  • Live online shamanism workshop via Zoom
  • Video recordings available right after class
  • Seminar times from 10am-12:30pm GMT+1
  • Live Q&A
  • Extensive course workbooks
  • Small group workshops
  • Introduction as prerequisite required


Carolin Mallmann

Carolin Mallmann was born and raised in the very north of Germany, in the beautiful small town of Flensburg near the Danish border and the North Sea.

I grew up with a deep connection to the spirit world and always felt a special bond with nature, animals, and crystals. I had my first shamanic visions when I was a small child, but like many, this ancient knowledge was suppressed for years. After some life-changing events, I quit my corporate job and completed several coaching and psychological studies. I became a certified NLP trainer and then found my way back to shamanism, completing different shamanic apprenticeships over the course of more than four years. I also learned the foundations of Core Shamanism at the Foundation for Shamanic Studies (FSS) to bridge shamanic medicine for people in the modern world.

During my apprenticeship, the spirits revealed to me that I was here to teach this knowledge in our modern world and for everyday life. One Shamanism is what has been given to me by the spirits. Besides teaching shamanism, I also hold a monthly shamanic healing circle open to everyone, an advanced class and shamanism retreats.

Please contact me at or if you have any questions.

I am filled with gratitude and it is an honor to guide you on your path.


“In every whisper of the forest, every dance of the waves, and every silence of the mountains, there is a story waiting to be heard. Listen closely, for within these ancient tales lies the wisdom of our spirit guides, ready to lead us through the tapestry of life with gentle paws and soaring wings.

– Carolin Mallmann


One Shamanism is dedicated to providing effective and practical training in shamanism for the modern world. In this course, we teach practices that are universal or key shamanic practices, meaning we aim not to teach what is the heritage of specific indigenous groups or cultures. We do this through online and in-person trainings and our beautiful community platform. We are committed to strengthening shamanic consciousness and making it accessible and understandable to everyone.

one shamanism


What is the Elements of Shamanism Apprenticeship?

It is a 5-part online training series that guides and teaches you universal shamanic knowledge and methods of shamanism in a safe, practical, and effective way. In the first module, you learn the basics like shamanic journeying, while in the following elemental modules, you deepen your knowledge in specific areas.

Do I have to complete the 5 shamanism training modules in a specific order?

Start with the Basics Workshop. After that, you can complete the 4 elements in the order that fits your needs and schedule.

Does One Shamanism offer a certificate after the shamanism course completion?

Yes, One Shamanism offers a certificate upon completion of the course.

Can I practice professionally after course completion?

Yes, after completing the course, you can practice professionally as a shamanic healer. This process is very individual—while some may take several years to fully integrate and use the knowledge learned, others might progress more quickly. In general, the training provides you with the knowledge and skills needed to assist others and offer professional shamanic services.

Can I use the shamanic practice for self-healing?

Yes, you can use this shamanism course for self-healing. This course is designed to help bring freedom, creativity, and joy into your life through ancient and modern shamanic methods.

What can I do with my shamanic training?

Upon completing the training, numerous participants become shamanic healers. Others integrate shamanic practices into their personal lives to achieve greater peace, mend challenging relationships, or heal from past wounds—bringing about freedom, creativity, and joy in their lives.

How much do the Shamanism Workshops cost?

The costs are 147€ per module or 597€ for the 5-part-training-series.

What is the schedule for the Shamanism Trainings?

Every day the seminar times are from 10am-12:30am GMT+1.

What is the minimum age to attend the One Shamanism Workshops?

Participants need to be at least 18 years of age to attend.

What are the ethics of One Shamanism?

In our training programs and work, One Shamanism focuses on teaching and promoting the positive, life-enhancing, and healing applications of universal shamanic knowledge. We do not teach in this course cultural specific shamanic or animistic methods.

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